Hello from Sunnyvale, CA

Jen Teal

6 Years
Apr 19, 2013
I took the plunge and chicks will be coming in on Friday. I'm super nervous about the long term prospect of caring for 4 more creatures. We have 5 and 7 year old girls, 2 devon rex cats, and a hamster named coco. I expect to be adding 2 Amauracanas, 1 Buff Orpington, and either a Barr Rock, or California White (?).
I quit my high-tech corporate gig last fall in order to take a couple years to really homemake fulltime. I've never done chickens before, but seems like the next step in my rambling journey toward creating a more productive, healthy, household; and I really could use lots and lots of chicken manure for my main hobby- the garden. Also, the girls put their little foots down on the suggestion of keeping Bees and I've always had this secret yearning to have a bird (but can't stand super high pitch noise). We're searching for the right coop design for our space right now, trying to keep costs down. Looking forward to checking out all the great resources this week and learning my way around before the babies arrive. Best. Jen
Howdy from Kansas, Jen, and
! Great to have you in our community! Best wishes to you and your chicken journey!
Hello neighbor! I am in Sunnyvale too!

(P.S. This profile has been replaced by AlpineButterfly, below.
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Yay, Sunnyvale!

I have two buff brahma bantams, who were born on April 8, 2013. I expect to be getting a few other types in early May. I have been doing a lot of research here and elsewhere, but still have a lot to learn.

Best of luck with your new babies!


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