Hello from SW Wisconsin!


May 8, 2015
I've actually been stalking this website for a month now but have not properly introduced myself. I have 1 RIR and 3 EE hens that are almost 4 weeks old. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the coop building and predator threads. Learning so much! My girls are getting ready to move out to their coop in the next week or two, and I am trying very hard to make sure they will be very safe and comfy in their coop. I did the stupid thing and ordered a coop kit online because I am absolutely inept when it comes to carpentry. I have attached a photo but understand that it is a work in progress. Thanks to all. I do so love this site!
What breeds do you have?
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided join our flock. Be sure that you have at least 4 sq. ft. of floor area per bird in your coop and at least 10 sq. ft. of area in your run as overcrowding can quickly lead to aggression, biting and feather plucking, and even cannibalism. Also, if you have any predators in your area (dogs, cats, snakes, rats, weasels, raccoons, opossums, etc.), be sure and completely cover your run and any openings in your coop with hardware cloth rather than chicken wire as too many predators can tear through hardware cloth, or squeeze through the openings in the mesh. There is a good article at http://www.the-chicken-chick.com/2013/07/11-tips-for-predator-proofing-chickens.html on predator proofing your chickens. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck in finishing your coop/run.

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