Hello from Tampa -Forida :)


10 Years
Dec 19, 2013
Tampa, Florida
Hello, my name is Simona and I live in Tampa Bay area in Florida. I recently moved in with my bf and started chickens couple months ago. I have a 7+ months old Black sex link called Blackie (the one in the profile pic) and 2 Rhode island reds which are about 4-5 months old. Blackie lays eggs, in fact she laid an egg every single day for the past 3 weeks or so and when I let her our of her coop follows me around and if I run she follows and tries to keep up with me and likes to ''talk'' when she is around me and seems pretty smart for a chicken because I call her name and hold the coop door open and tell her to go in the coop and she goes in it?? Weird that she listens better than my bf’s 3 year old Rottweiler dog that he trained! Haha. She is very friendly and I pick her up daily and feed her veggie treats which she begs for by inspecting my hands. I wish I could let her roam more but we have hawks and many predators here but soon my bf will build a run for my chickens so they aren't stuck in a 8x8 coop most of the day. The other 2 chicks are friendly too but they scream at first when I pick them up to pet them. I recently ordered 15 chicks from Idealpoultry.com and they sent me 30 to keep my other chicks warm. I am trying to figure out what kind of breed they are because I took picture and I sent them Idealpoultry and they aren't so sure of what breeds they are. I am starting a thread here to hopefully find out what they are :)

Hi there,
and welcome to BYC!

Great to have you aboard and enjoy your new babies!
Pretty sure bet the extra chicks Ideal sent as "warmers," will be cockerels, that's one of the kinder ways hatcheries get rid of excess males. There is a thread in existence called "what gender or breed is this?"
Hello from Texas. Very cold and icy day here. I also received warmers with my chick order. Mine are all white. Good luck identifying yours.

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