Hello from the 'Burg - Harrisburg, NC

2) How many chickens do you have right now?
We have five (5) laying hens here in town at the house, and sixty meat birds at a friends just outside of town. We've been running flocks out there for two years now.
Hi, welcome to BYC! It's nice to meet you.
You have a lot of meat birds, which breed do you use for them?
Anyway, I hope you have fun here!
I'm Ken, a.k.a. RogueTek. We live in Cabarrus county North Carolina (US), and have been a long time chicken nut, computer geek and all around tinkerer. I strive to learn and practice sustainable & self-reliant lifestyle, of which the birds I care for are a very big part. Below I ran through the template of questions to introduce myself. Enjoy!

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
Not new, but ever learning and amazed. I've been caring for and raising Chickens for 25+ years. My first flock was a rescue, when a family member had to give up their laying flock for a move. I was hooked and never looked back.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?
We have five (5) laying hens here in town at the house, and sixty meat birds at a friends just outside of town. We've been running flocks out there for two years now. (about 150~ per year for three families). My role in the enterprise is buying the day old birds and brooding them here. Built the tractors and all the gadgets. After brooding they go out on pasture in those tractors, until they reach harvest maturity, which is managed by our friend and partner family. All three families participate in the harvest, from age 7 to 54.

(3) What breeds do you have?
Layers are ISA Brown, Buff Orphington and Americana. The meat bird flocks are a mix. We have Kosher King, Freedom Ranger, Delaware Broiler. Have done Cornish Cross, but want to move away from them.

(4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?
These birds are such a joy and fill my smile bucket every day. They inspire me to learn more sustainable ways to raise them and provide the greatest opportunities for them to "Express the Chicken'ness of the Chicken", as Joel Salatin would say.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
I'm a perpetual learner, and am beginning my Permaculture Design Certification (PDC). I garden my yard. I have been studying composting techniques for the last ~8 years and working on some developing classes to show other urban gardeners ways they can incorporate some of what is available to do in their context. I love to cook and recently have found a new passion in fermenting.

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
We have a blended family with five (5) human kids, all but one is out of college and on to adulting... We have two dogs, 1 & 2 yr old Labs we rescued. I work in IT and my wife is a realestate agent.

(7) Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community? :D
I've known about BYC and BYH (BackYardHerds) for years. I signed up at BYH in 2018, and am not sure why I did not sign up here, probably because I must have thought they were linked. I have been an active member of the FB group BYC (Back Yard Chickens), Abundance+ Lifetime Member, and our local "Farm & Food Council". Recently, I've found myself with experience that has helped quite a few folks and felt it was time to get more involved in sharing that. I hope I can be a positive contributor here.
Welcome to BYC!!
Hi, welcome to BYC! It's nice to meet you.
You have a lot of meat birds, which breed do you use for them?
Anyway, I hope you have fun here!
Currently (~30) Red (Freedom) Rangers and(~32) Koshier King. These will be the last of the year. Here are the Koshier Kigs, when they first got on grass...
Currently (~30) Red (Freedom) Rangers and(~32) Koshier King. These will be the last of the year. Here are the Koshier Kigs, when they first got on grass...View attachment 3668630
They look confused, like "what do I do now?" What a great picture of such pretty birds! :love

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