Hello from Tulsa, OK


5 Years
Jan 25, 2014
We are brand new to the site as well as raising chickens. We have been planning this for about a year now and used this site to get our bearings before we began.

We built the brooder pen and bought our chicks 2 weeks ago and are loving them. The kids have named them all. After a lot of reading and research we decided on 6 Rhode Island Red hybrids (they called them production reds) and 2 Australorps. We got them as 9 day olds so not sure if we got all hens or not (fingers crossed that they are). Breeder was about 75% confident they are hens. We would like a rooster but where the coop and run will be is too close to neighbors.

We are looking forward to many years of enjoyment and fresh eggs.

Well, after some research, it looks like our Australorps are actually Barred Rocks.
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Sounds like you have a very nice flock! The RIR's and the Australorps are great layers. Australorps can be very affectionate as well.

Good luck in all your poultry adventures and enjoy BYC!

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