- Jul 10, 2011
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Heya everyone, I just thought I'd introduce myself to BYC since I have been lurking and reading posts for a while. My first chicken flock started out with a couple bantams and Cochins. I have since then moved from CA to TX and had to leave that flock behind and start over. I now have about 20 laying hens and 2 roosters 13 ducks and 9 chicks. my hens consist of 6 White leghorns, 6 Blue Andalusians, and 8 Araucana, The roosters are 1 White Leghorn and 1 Blue Andalusian, Chicks are Black Australorps(I Hatched), Ducks are mallards and mallard/Cayuga crosses(I Think)
It all started with me finding a bunch of duck eggs on the property from a neighbors ducks coming over and laying and since I had an incubator I bought for hatching parrots I used it to hatch the ducks and have since then bought a circulated air incubator to hatch chickens I currently have 18 White leghorn eggs all fertile in the bator now lets hope they all hatch
I also breed all different types of Parrots.
Thanks for reading!
It all started with me finding a bunch of duck eggs on the property from a neighbors ducks coming over and laying and since I had an incubator I bought for hatching parrots I used it to hatch the ducks and have since then bought a circulated air incubator to hatch chickens I currently have 18 White leghorn eggs all fertile in the bator now lets hope they all hatch
I also breed all different types of Parrots.
Thanks for reading!