Hello from West Michigan


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 25, 2014
Hi! I'm a new member, just starting my flock with 8 pretty birds. Hoping to learn a lot and have fun raising them.

Welcome to BYC!

Congrats on your new birds! If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

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I finally got my chicks in a coop. It was tough going for a few days because I didn't know I had to lock them in there until they got used to the place. After lots of advice and going to TSC multiple times, I should be all set.

Now I have one more question - I have 8 chicks about 3 months old. They started pecking one chick so badly that she was bleeding. I removed her and have been keeping her in a large dog kennel. This morning I cleaned her backside with warm, soapy water because her poop was all over her feathers and there is a scab from where she was bleeding. She is eating, drinking and sleeping so I think she feels fine.

When she I re-introduce her back into the flock? It was my fault they started pecking her. I waited too long to get them out of the brooder box and into the run & coop. She has been separated from them for 4 days now. I'm worried that if I put her back in with them, they will peck her again. I was thinking that after their week in the coop, I would let them out into the run and put her dog crate in the run too so they could see each other but she wouldn't get pecked. Then when they went in the coop for the night, let her follow them. Does that sound right?

Thank you!
When separating chickens or chicks, it is best to separate them with chicken wire in the same coop so they can see each other but not touch. do this for 2-3 weeks then introduce them but be there with them for a bit to be sure they don't attack her again. they may be getting their pecking order in. but if there is bleeding, spray some blu cote on a q-tip and dab it on the sore. this will make it hard for others to see the blood plus it's a healing agent. Be careful not to get it on your hands, it has to wear off. At night they sort of calm down. because they want to get a roosting spot. also if you want them in the run, I would separate them, there, also for 2-3 weeks with chicken wire. Be sure both sides have food and water.

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