Hello from Western Mass


5 Years
Oct 16, 2014
Hills of Western Mass
I have an opportunity to jump on the bandwagon of an established organic egg farmer's production. She has orders for more egg then she currently can produce. We've talked about starting a Community Egg Hub to supply her orders. I'm planning on working my way up to a flock of 36 organic free range chickens, breed(s) as yet to be determined. My wife and I had planned to have chickens in the future but this opportunity has pushed the time table forward.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. If you want your efforts to be financially profitable, you'll need to raise (even free ranging) the kind of high yield, egg laying machines that commercial laying farms use. That means White Leghorns for white eggs and Black or Red Sex Links for brown eggs. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your Community Egg Hub.
It is a great site, I've looked thru the first 50 pages of Coop pics, 10 pages of Coop Tips and added Buckeyes to my list of possible birds, not a bad first night.
Welcome to the flock! So much great info and wonderful chicken folks here! Best of luck with the Egg Hub and keep us posted! :)
Welcome to Backyard chickens. Hope your business venture is very successful
Welcome to BYC
This sounds like a wonderful opportunity for you! Strange, I was in the same position a few years ago, except I was the person talking others into getting chickens to help me supply the local demand for free range eggs... We ended up with a group of egg sellers and we never quite met the demand. I see you've got Buckeyes on your list for layers. Though I do not have any myself, I do have friends that keep and breed them and found them to be simply wonderful. I would definitely recommend them! They are good egg layers, friendly, hardy, thrives in a free range environment... and when they are "spent" apparently they make good eating too
We have a thread with some good info and reviews on the breed here that you may enjoy: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/803253/the-buckeye-thread/2940_30#post_14219539

Enjoy the site and please keep us posted on your venture!

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