Hello from Western Mass


6 Years
Jan 19, 2014
Lost 7 ducks last night 3 Khaki Campbell's 2 mallards an Indian runner and a Pekin. Looks like someone stole them. Couln't find any animal prints, no sign of struggle, no carcasses. My aunt brother and I are very sad. The khakis were a year old and the others a few months. Trying to hunt down some ducklings. Have two 3 wk old khakis. Want another Pekin. How can someone be so cruel!
Welcome to BYC !!
Sorry to hear about your ducks. It could have been a coyote or fox. They usually leave no evidence behind.
Unfortunately there are 2 legged predators, as well as the usual wild critters. It has happened often to others - people see it, want it, take it . You really have to trick out your coop and run like protection for the home. Put real locks on coop and run. Have motion detector lights , a game cam to capture any predators sneaking around your property which will serve as evidence, if you recognize the perpetrators. If your coop is near the house put a baby monitor in there and the receiver in your bedroom. If you hear the birds stirring you will know something is amiss.
Hello and Welcome to BYC!
Sorry to hear about your birds!
So sorry about your losses, and hope you have better luck with the others. It is a devastating experience.

Do take drumstick diva's advice. Protection and surveillance to identify the culprits is the way to go.

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