Hello from Wisconsin!


7 Years
Nov 8, 2012
Hi Everybody, I am so glad I found this forum as I always have questions and I love to talk about my animals.

We have a small hobby farm with horses and a few feathered friends. We have 5 peacocks, 2 ducks, and about 20 or so chickens. Most of our chickens are cochins of every color, but we do have one rhode Island Red, one Americana, and a couple barnyard mixes. My pride and joy is my rooster, Brewster, who is a fancy buff laced Brahma. He is such a sweet gentle boy, and big and beautiful too.

I'm sure I will enjoy reading through this forum and I hope I can talk with some of you soon.

A big welcome, and we have plenty of places to chit chat about your farm animals! Love the sound of your farm!
Welcome from NE Wi....... we are about 40 miles west of GB.......... we have horses and chickens, in our barn yard, next year goats if all goes well.......... have fun here and check out the Wis cheese heads thread, a great place to say hello and get info and have fun.........Kim
Hi and :welcome

Nice to meet you!
Very pretty avatar.
I hope you find any info you need here, and enjoy the site. :D

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