Hello from WNC

Chicken Hound

In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 8, 2014
McDowell County NC
Hey all figured I would join the fun, I have been lurking for awhile and have learned a lot. I have a mixed flock of 12 birds now and have no idea how far this might go...lol
Hi :welcome. Glad you joined the flock. Be sure to ask lots of questions everyone very friendly and informative. Sure you will add to your flock chickens seem to get a hold of you I know they have me!! :frow
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Yes, chickens are highly addicting! It is hard not to add to your flock. LOL

Enjoy all your adventures with your birds and welcome to our flock!
Thanks for the warm welcome been working on getting some pics so I can show off some of my flock and ask questions about them. My avatar is my Brahma mix rooster no idea what he mixed with but I think he one cool looking bird. Got him this spring from a local chicken fan that let her silki hatch some eggs from there mixed flock.
Welcome to BYC! Glad you decided to join our flock. A lot of us were lurkers before joining. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. I'm looking forward to seeing pics of your birds. Good luck with your flock.

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