Hello, goat people.......I need guidance!


Dances with Chickens
14 Years
Feb 24, 2009
Strasburg Ohio
Well, I'm going to be the proud mama of a baby goat in about 6 or 8 weeks, when it is weaned from it's mama.

What happened is, friends have a registered Pygmy goat doe, and a larger dairy goat mated with her. Poor doe had twins. The first one didn't make it. The second one is a little boy.

So he's a real cutie--tan and white with long floppy ears, and black stockings. We've decided to buy the little guy because we have six acres of woods that surround our property, and the little fellow can help us with brush control.

So I'm nervous, since I've never owned a goat. What advice can you all give me to prepare for the baby? It will be wethered, and dis-budded.

Any advice would be soooo much appreciated,

Check your fences. Goats are escape artists.

They are also a lot of fun. We have 2 does that are ND's. They are almost like dogs. They love attention.

My first bit of advice is to get another goat.

He'll be much much happier with another goat, preferably around his own age/size.

The next bit of advice is to look over at the Sufficient Self site or Backyard Herds site (or any other goat chat forum). There's a bunch of people willing to help (myself included) as well as hords of information....too much to regurgitate in one post!

The basic needs for him & his new friend (
), though, would be a shelter of some sort, a good way to keep him fenced in & predators fenced out, hay (if he won't be allowed to forage 24/7), water, minerals, a CD&T shot just before he comes home and then another booster around 9 weeks old, someone who knows how to trim hooves and the number to a vet or someone who knows about goat illnesses.

Some people do tether goats out in a pasture or field, but IMO they should be watched closely and their leads should be swivel clips so the goats don't choke themselves.

IMO he should be left with his mother until he's at least 8 weeks old. 8 weeks is the minimum age at which I allow kids to go to their new homes.
What Glenolam said.
A friend for him, as goats are herd animals and will be very lonely and needy without a buddy, a pair of hoof trimmers and somebody to teach you to use them, and a halter if you'll be moving him arond from spot to spot.
Congratulation on the little fellow!

Exactly what others are saying; single goat will be crying for company all the time!
He will make YOU to be his company, he will follow you everywhere.
While with you, he will be quiet. When you leave him to go inside of the house, he will cry his lungs out!
Eventualy you patience will break up or your neighbors patience....

He will be forcing his way out of his hut to follow you.
If roaming freely, he will knock on a house doors and windows, just to get where you are.

Do not tied/chain him to anything, because he will be fighting to get lose (to follow you) and he may get HUNG!

At least TWO goats is a must! Even two are sort of lonely....
Best scenario would be to get an adult Mom and her baby
if you are up to milking the mom

At 8 weeks they will be eating solids, but still be looking for milk...

Ruminates (goats, cows...) cannot eat wet greenery, like wet grass - because they will get bloted!
Then you will be in trouble! Few leafs are ok, but NOT big quantity.

Well...there is so much to write about!
Just keep on asking questions.
Eh - don't get overwhelmed.

The one thing I tell people when they ask me about getting goats is that EVERYONE has a different way of raising their goats and NO ONE is right with how they do it.

IMO - you can tie out a goat on a lead...I wouldn't, but that's just my preference and I have the space where I don't need to even think about that. Tons of people tie out their goats with no problems at all.....if that's something you decide to do you'll just need to monitor them very closely to make sure they're OK. It's excactly like tieing a dog out. They'll eventually get it. As a matter of fact, 2 of the first goats I ever got were always tied up at their previous owners....they make for great companions on walks since they were so used to a lead!

It's also my opinion that goats can, will and are fine with eating wet grass and/or leaves. My goats live in about an acre worth of WETLANDS - plenty of wet stuff for them to eat, which they do, and have no issues. They do get hay 24/7 all during the year, though, because there isn't enough in their pen to satisfy their tummies (I have 8 full sized goats and 1 pygmy). I also have 9 beef cows that are on nothing but pasture right now, they don't even have a barn in this particular feild and it's done nothing but rain for 8 days on and off. Sure, they get protection from the elements under larger trees and bushes and such, but as soon as the weather turns they're right back in the field, loving the lucious wet grass.


You just need to soak everything in and decide what works best for you, your family and the goats. What works for me might not work for you or anyone else, but that doesn't really matter to me because my goats are fine.....yours will be too.
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glenolam, thank you for the advice. It was comforting. I really want the goats, and I think I've got a great environment for them, with most of my property being surrounded by woods, there is so much brush with sticker bushes, poison ivy and oak, weeds and vines and bushes....I think the goats could really help me with brush control......so I would definitely tie them in different places around the property because I can't fence everything.......
The only thing about tieing them out in a wooded area, or any area, that is unfenced is that they are sitting ducks for dog or coyote attack. Or whatever else may be roaming your woods, I don't know what all you have there in the way of predators.

I also have never had a problem with goats, sheep, or cows, eating wet grass. Ours go out in rain wet and dew wet pasture all the time, never a problem. Grass or other feed that has been cut and wilted but is damp and sitting around will start to ferment and produce gas and this can cause bloat if they eat a bunch of it.
Tying them in wooded areas is not a good idea.. I have tied goats in open fields, but if you try to tie them in woods, they will become engangled on every little twig and root they come to. They are not the brightest animals either. If they tangle, they can keep walking in circles twisting the rope/chain up even tighter to the point that their collar strangles them.

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