Hello I'm new to all of this!

Welcome to BYC!
I'm glad you joined us.

I've never sold eggs myself, but think that a price around $2-3 seems fair, unless they are organic, in which case you could probably sell for more.
We sell our eggs for $4 a doz. They are organic. The Farmers Market in our area sells them for $6 a dozen. We have no problem getting $4. Cost of carton if I have to buy any is .36 ea then figure in organic feed at $23.00 a bag from the local feed store. We are making enough to cover the feed. Some people save cartons for us so that helps.
The "going rate" for farm fresh eggs can vary quite bit from one location to the next - I would suggest you snoop around on CL, FB, etc to get an idea of what others are charging for their eggs and use that as a guide in setting your prices. Selling extra eggs is a great way to offset some of the cost of keeping a flock - most small flocks are not going to turn a "profit", but you can often pay for the feed needed, etc by selling eggs - depending on the supply you have and the demand you can find for them.

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