Hello I'm new to the board

Lori Kay

In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 1, 2011
I am a just trying to gather information for my new hobby/project. My kids will be helping and although we farm and have lived on a farm all of our lives we know very little about chickens. I would like to get about 12 laying hens and 12 broilers this spring. I know 12 is a lot of layers but I think I would like to sell the extra. My question for the board today is do you have a particular site that you like to order your chicks from? Also, I'm wondering if I need to get them shot's of any kind prior the the shipping, I saw some sights have this. Is it something I could do without or do you recommend it, I forget the name. I need some advice on feed, meds that you think are best. Thanks
and hello from Indiana
from Ga. If you order from a hatchery they give them their shots before being shipped. At least McMurray who we ordered from did. Good luck with it and be prepared to become an addict.

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