Hello I'm new to the byc !

JD girls

5 Years
Apr 23, 2014
Good evening fine folks, I was wondering if you could help me out. I find my 2 year old Izzy long island red this morning dead. She was sitting on her perch for a day then this morning she wasn't with me anymore. I was wondering if you may have a idea why she would pass so young?

Welcome to BYC!

I am so sorry about your Izzy. Would you consider this a sudden death? As in she was perfectly fine yesterday and dead today? If so, many times sudden death can be from a heart condition or hyper tension. They just fall over on the perch and are dead. Usually at night. There are a few other things that do cause sudden death as some of the enteritis's. If you have any other clues, you might post this in our emergency section for more help with finding the answer to this...


I am so sorry.

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