Hello, New Members wanting to say hi

L and M Farms

In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 25, 2014
Hi so I am luke from L&M Farms we recently started raising chickens. I grew up on a large farm with chicken houses but my wife is new to this. We recently bought 14 RIR about 15 weeks old dontthink any are showing signs of being a roo. Also bought 7 dominquies one for sure rooster. A golden laced polish hen and bare bearded polish frizzle rooster. Two jersey giants and 5 silkies. So any advise input would be great have one large coop for the main flock then another for the polish an silkies.

Great to have you aboard and enjoy BYC!
Welcome to BYC. Plenty of us here going through the growing pains of starting up. Hopefully we'll be able to gain insight, knowledge and wisdom from our own experiences and those that others are good enough to share with us.
Thanks for the open welcomes I have been on this site probably every day for the last several months don't really know why it took this long to join but glad to finally be on board.
Having the silkies and polish together makes a lot of sense. They are both breeds that tend to get picked on because of their appearance and the fact that they are usually docile birds. Their big crests/beards obscure their vision so they start out on uneven ground with most other breeds.

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