Hello, new to Forum... Here are my babies...


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jul 19, 2007
Bowling Green, OHIO
Howdy every one. I just wanted to say that I've been lurking on this forum for quite some time and have found it very useful. I'm in the process of raising 27 baby chickens and I have them in my barn with my other 6 adult birds. The babies are 6 weeks old now and are starting to get wild. They are closed in (as you can see in my pictures) but some of the bigger guys like to fly up and escape. The older birds seem to get along with them okay and don't scare them too much. I guess my question is, when is it okay to just let them be "together" ? I still have not let them range in my yard yet and I'm debating doing that maybe this weekend if the weather is okay. What do you all think? Thank you!



This is my setup, you can see the big guy in there... He likes to hop around and bother them, but for the most part they all get along. I'd like to know when I should just remove this chicken wire, so that they can go around in the rest of the coop. There is more then enough room for all of my 33 birds. I plan on adding some new nesting boxes soon.

An old ladder seems to work well for hanging stuff and for roosting. The brave little guys seemed to like playing around on it, before going back to their area.

That fence is a little over 36 inches high. The adult birds can jump right up to it but the little guys can't yet.
---end of pictures---
Is there anything that you would reccomend to my setup, or anything that you think I should change. At night I lock them all up and it's pretty hard for any animal, besides rats or mice to get in there... Thank for taking the time out to read my post!

Welcome the BYC!!! I think everything looks great. I especially love the EE walking on the ladder, very cute. So your roo is ok with the babies? He doesn't try to hurt them?
I would let them be together they will be ok. My 8 week old chicks have been with the big guys for 2 weeks now. My roo even calls them over for a treat he's found. But just watch them for a little while if your nervous and then decide if you them to be full time. I won't let mine free range for a another month or so. I don't want to have to chase 9 little ones around to get them back in the run/coop for the night. I usually keep them in the run for a couple months first. Good Luck and welcome to the board. Twila
Thanks for the reply(s), I think I might just let them be, because I have a feeling that they might follow the big guys out side. I don't like the idea of trying to get 27 little birds inside. I wonder if I take down the 36 inch chicken wire, if they'll sitck around or follow them out the door. I having a feeling that they like the security that their little area gives them. Thanks again!

Hi. Yes, the Rooster is okay for the most part with them. If they get too close, he'll chase after them and try and peck. But he is not a jerk about it all the time. I've seen a few times when the little guys will fly up and then dive bomb and land on him. It's pretty funny. They are not timid to say the least, they do what they want and do not seem to be afraid.

If you don't have a fenced run I wouldn't let them out then. I have a 80' fenced in run. The first night I let them out of the coop after 4 days locked in the coop I had to catch them and place them inside the coop for the night. So I locked them in for 2 more days and then they got the idea to go back in the coop for the night. But chasing 27 of them would kill me! lol
Here is a picture of two more goofballs out side, they like to eat all kinds of weird stuff. They even like to visit me in my office!

I'll have to find some more pictures of the adults. They are around here some where...


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