Hello! New to the world of backyard chickens

Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Michael, Wyandottes7 and Bantam Lover have given you great advice.

Good luck!
I really don't want to worry about anybody getting too bullied so now I'm thinking about maybe 1 standard cochin so at least it might be slightly bigger than the others. Would that be any better? I think there's a breeder in northern Washington according to the PNPA's breeder directory with both standard and bantam (i don't know how often they update) and an australorp breeder around there too. how close in age do they need to be? Am I better off getting chicks from mypetchicken.com?

Welcome to BYC!!! There are loads of members on here…so if you have ANY questions…just ASK!!!

Hope you have loads of fun and all your answers answered here on BYC the BEST CHICKEN KEEPING FORUM on EARTH!!


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