Hello, new to the world of chickens


Apr 30, 2019
I am relatively new to the wonderful world of chickens. I have only had them for about a year. We started with 4 (chicks) then when we lost 2 to predation we got another four (already grown) and ended up with 6. We lost another 2 to predation and then adopted 8 more so now we are up to 12. We have 1 Comet, 1 ISA Brown, 1 Barred Rock, 1 Black Cochin, 2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Australorps, 3 White Rocks (I believe) and 1 that I don't know the breed of but has beautiful neck feathers. I love having chickens for the fresh eggs, but hopefully soon we will be purchasing 30+ Acres and are going to start a homestead.

We currently also have 6 Ferrets. But once we have our homestead I plan on extending our animal population to include Dairy goats, Rabbits and pigs.

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