Hello , Sunshine Farms here we are having an issue with one of our hatchlings just a few days old

I believe some folks have used Pedialyte in case of emergency and they were unable to find the chicken electrolytes in their area. Nutri-drench is good to have on hand for situations like this, you can order it on Amazon, it's not expensive for the little bottle. Good luck, sounds like she's making progress!
Thank you !
I was wondering if pedialyte would work ! :goodpost:
because I don't have much money right now ..
And yes! She is wide awake and drinking brown water , ( Feed mixed with water )
and beginning to try and move around bending her claws back and forth .... :caf
You can also make a homemade electrolyte solution if necessary (recipe from The Chicken Encyclopedia):
1/2 tsp potassium chloride (salt substitute, if you don't have it leave it out)
1 tsp sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
1 tsp sodium chloride (table salt)
1 tablespoon sucrose (sugar)
1 gallon water

With chicks I usually alternate electrolyte water with regular water if I'm hand watering them, if it's in waterers, then use electrolyte water for a few hours and then switch to regular water. Sav-a-chick is easier, but this works in a pinch.
Nutra-drench poultry vitamins are usually available at most feed stores.
Thank you !
I was wondering if pedialyte would work ! :goodpost:
because I don't have much money right now ..
And yes! She is wide awake and drinking brown water , ( Feed mixed with water )
and beginning to try and move around bending her claws back and forth .... :caf
make sure you get unflavored pedialyte if you go that route. chickens hate bubblegum! hahahaha (I kid, but seriously, the flavored ones are not good for them)
I am so happy to hear that she is awake more and is taking the brown water. :ya
Okay, several things here, first of all...I HAVE THOSE SAME PLATES!!! hahaha. Second, from the picture it looks like those bars are far enough apart that she could get really hurt if she scootches herself off the plate, be careful there. Third, what did you end up getting for electrolyte/vitamins? Don't forget that she needs vitamins as well as the electrolytes. The feed water that you are giving her has what she needs but, since it is so heavily watered down, it may not be enough so as soon as you can, get the vitamins if you haven't already. Next, she looks wet, I'm sure I don't need to tell you this but just for kicks and giggles, I'm going to anyway...heat lamp! Don't let her get chilled. One more thing that you might try is something that I did for my OE banty and helped more than anything was epsom salt soaks. Get a container small enough that she can't get her beak in it to drink it but big enough for her legs, tummy, rear end and maybe a little of her chest to soak in, make the water about 95 degrees, use a thermometer, dissolve the epsom salt and check the temp again to make sure that it didn't cool off, let her sit in that for about 10 minutes, by then the water will be too cold so get her out, dry her off and put her back under her heat lamp.
I am so so glad to hear that everything is going well! :clap:woot
Hahah! Yes that was only a temporary set up until we transferred the quail ! And hahah awesome ! we love these plates :)
And yes , I have transferred her to a tote with a heat lamp and I made her a feed waterer! She is still doing alot better than she was ... Tomorrow I will be getting vitamins & electrolyte water.. I couldn't get the hubby motivated to get out in the rain today .. So i have just been making do with what I have to work with around here ...
It's a good thing I have a very good ingenuitive side to me Lol! :highfive::yuckyuck:thumbsup:rolleyes:
Hahah! Yes that was only a temporary set up until we transferred the quail ! And hahah awesome ! we love these plates :)
And yes , I have transferred her to a tote with a heat lamp and I made her a feed waterer! She is still doing alot better than she was ... Tomorrow I will be getting vitamins & electrolyte water.. I couldn't get the hubby motivated to get out in the rain today .. So i have just been making do with what I have to work with around here ...
It's a good thing I have a very good ingenuitive side to me Lol! :highfive::yuckyuck:thumbsup:rolleyes:
Ah, gotcha, I completely understand "making do", you do what you have to do with what you have to do it with! I've been there.
I am so happy to hear the good news. I also understand the hubby situation, I have one of those types too lol.
I think you are doing fantastic with this little baby, keep up the good work! Keep us posted, I'm sure that I'm not the only one watching this thread and interested in how things are going.

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