hello! :)


Oct 2, 2019
(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? mostly new to chickens currently have 2 Fern and Tweet that I inherited from a family friend who lost his wife earlier this year and is selling his house so won't have a place for the girls anymore. Tweet is a Americauna and Fern is a Sultana. Hoping to add a Silkie soon!

(4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens? enjoy the eggs and watching them explore their new home. took my dad and I about a month to build the coop and run but I think it turned out lovely

(7) Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community? :D
was looking for some information when I found out that we were going to take the girls in and loved all the stories and info and wanted to join since we want to add another member to the flock :)

there are some solar lights that go on the holders above the door they were charging in the sun when I took the pictures. I added battery operated lights that just stay on for a few hours after dark with a very faint glow that have timers. I actually moved their food down off the shelf this afternoon it didn't seem to be the best spot in the girls' opinions. we are (hopefully!) getting a silkie chick tomorrow and was wondering if its ok to just go ahead and have little fluff in the coop with the girls just seperated by a bunny cage so they can be friends and chat but not get in eachother's way... or food for that matter?
thanks! is it ok to put a new chick(s) into the coop right away (even slightly seperated so they can't hurt the baby)? i've seen things where some people say you have to keep them apart a week or two and some that say the sooner they are together the better?

Is the silkie coming from the same place you got Fern and Tweet? If not, I'd do the "see but can't touch" way of letting them get acquainted. It takes chickens a while to get used to strangers, even if they are other chickens.

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