

Apr 9, 2020
Last year we bought and a raised dozen chicks, 6 Rhode Island Reds and 6 Brown Leghorns. The eggs were great! I built a small tractor coop that I could move around the yard and let the chickens out every morning to free range around the yard. Our yard is not really that big, 1 1/2 acres or so, but we are surrounded by 18 acres of woods. At first the chickens stayed in the yard, but then started venturing out into the woods. Over time, fewer returned home in the evening. We now only have 2, one of each.

About 3 weeks ago, we decided to go to the hatchery and get some more chicks and to build a permanent chicken house. We planned on getting 3 to 4 dozen chicks. After an hour or so of "Ooo, those are so cute." and "Oh, I want some of those." we brought home about 100 chicks.

I am now in the process of building a much bigger chicken house than I had originally planned before the chicks out grow the brooding pen I have constructed in my workshop. There will also be a large run that will be built once the chicken house is finished.

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