My name is Terra. I am a mom of three. We just bought a house with 2 acres out in the country and we’ve decided to buy chickens. I’ve always been interested in raising chickens. I have some family who raise them and it’s always been a goal of mine to have my own. Four days ago we made the leap and bought 10 sweet baby chicks.

2 are white leghorns, two are Rhode island reds, 1 is a barred rock?, and the others I’m not 100% sure about. We got them from a feed store and they mislabeled the boxes and honestly there’s a good chance I don’t know what any of them are... *sigh* I haven’t learned enough to tell the difference in breeds when they’re chicks. I’m also worried they may have given us roosters too. We only wanted hens. however, if we do end up with more than one Roo, I am prepared to find them a loving home. I know quite a few people who would love to take one in.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
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