
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

35C is way too hot for chicks. You want to lower that to 31C, lowering the temp a little each week until they are at room temp by week 5. Make sure the brooder offers them at least 1/2 square foot per chick for personal space. Keep them on chick crumbles until they start laying, somewhere between 5 and 6 months of age, then switch over to a layer type feed. No vitamin supplements are needed, everything they need is in their feed. At 6 weeks of age you can introduce chopped greens, cabbage, scrambled eggs, etc... Chicks are afraid of new foods, it may take them a while to get them used to the treats.

Enjoy your new chicks!
Thanks for the info!
35Ā°c max heat directly underneath the lamp, it goes down to about 30Ā°c a few inches away and continues dropping off towards the cooler side. The breeder I bought my chicks off said they'll move towards the cool end of their box if they're getting too hot šŸ¤”

They're about to be upgraded to a bigger box this coming week, they've grown fast! (Current brooder is about 2ft long-2ft wide)

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