
Hiya, and welcome to BYC! :frow

So sorry about the bear attacks!! :hugs

We get them here but they can't get at the chickens at night. If they're here in the daytime, we shoot a shotgun in the air, and that scares them off for weeks/months

Hiya, and welcome to BYC! :frow

So sorry about the bear attacks!! :hugs

We get them here but they can't get at the chickens at night. If they're here in the daytime, we shoot a shotgun in the air, and that scares them off for weeks/months.
The ones I got come at night. But we shot at them too and they've stayed away for now
Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
I got my chickens last year. We ordered 12 hens but one ended up being a rooster (Joker). We ordered 5 white leghorns (all named Karen) and the rest are plymouth rocks. I spent lots if time socializing them and they're so sweet! This spring my mama hen,(Wanda) Wanda hatched three chicks from the leghorn eggs, fertilized by our roo, Joker. They're 4 weeks old today.

How many chickens do you have right now?
Unfortunately, one week ago we started getting bears attacks, initiating what I'm calling The Bear War, which I'm winning since they haven't been back in six days. They killed 6 chickens, including my rooster and a chick. Now I'm down to 6 hens and 2 chicks.

What breeds do you have?
White leghorns (3), Plymouth Rocks (3) and a mix between the two breeds (2, chicks)

What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?
It's hard to pick a favourite! They're fun to watch and talk to. They're so friendly, even my rooster (RIP) was a mostly nice, but did try to fight people occasionally, which was fun and I called it combat training haha. I love everything about them. Reinforcing the coop because of The Bear War has been fun even, I love keeping them safe.

What are some of your other hobbies?
I enjoy writing, reading and many different mediums of art, gardening and generally being outdoors and/or with my other animals.

Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
I live with my family as a college student working at a clothing store. I've also got a hedgehog and three dogs, a big herding dog, a medium sized dog who made it her life mission to keep every animal away from our yard, and one small inside dog who likes to chase the chickens (we always stop him right away)

Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community? :D
I found BYC on Google. I've been boking around since my hen went broody to learn about the process. I finally decided to join because I have lots of questions given my current situation with my chickens because I need advice and hope to help others one day!

I added pictures of some of my chickens! One of two Karens, Wanda and her three babies. The second of Joker running away. These were all before the Bear War. I also added Ruff and Tuff sleeping in their fleece bed in their house in the garage to stay safe from the cold and bears.
Welcome. I am so sorry for your losses. What a gorgeous rooster.

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