

6 Years
Apr 19, 2014
Glenville, NY
My name is Danielle, I am new to BYC's. I am hoping to learn from everyone's experience as I am newer to raising poultry and waterfowl. Currently I have Dark Brahma's and two as yet to be identified bantam chicks that I obtained when I got my ducklings. I also have one Sebastopol goose.

The four legged members of the household include the honorary cat, two collies and 2 great danes. We all reside in upstate New York. I look forward to meeting people on the forums. I am an avid flower gardener and when it is too cold to garden outside in the NY winters, I grow orchids and other exotic / tropical plants.

I look forward to meeting people on this forum.
Welcome to Back Yard Chickens!
You sound like a great person. I figured you had Danes, the Collies are a nice addition. I used to raise and show Cockers back in the late 60's and beyond.

Also you garden indoors, I have been hybridizing Streptocarpus for about 8 or 9 years now., with light stands. I like the escape from bugs, bright sun, heat and humidity, tho gardening inside has it's own drawbacks.

Have you visited the Learning center? It contains a wealth of information that's easy to digest.
You can put your "State" name in the search box to find your state thread. Then you can post on it and see where bird neighbors are.

BYC also have a "Other Backyard poultry" forum above, where you will find threads for ducks, geese, guineas, quail, etc.

And by all means, Welcome to the BYC flock.
Have a lollipop.

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