

In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 21, 2014
I am new to "byc"and although i do not have any chickens I have three ducks and i am hoping that i can still ask a few questions. I have two buffs (one crested buff) and a rouen, they are nine months old and lately they have been sleeping almost half of the day(usually they are really busy for most of the day). Some one mentioned that it is spring and they are possibly being broody but i am just wondering if this is normal.
If you go to the Other backyard poultry section it has side tabs (on the right) for ducks, geese, peacocks, etc.
You can post on the duck threads for better answers. I don't know anything about ducks - sorry.

Welcome to BYC!

Sorry about your babies. Kelsie X2 on posting this question in the Duck section. I hope you can get your babies back to health soon.

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