Hello :)


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 24, 2014
Hello everyone, I am new to Back Yard Chickens but have owned chickens for about three years now, and have a total of seven lovely hens that are in the Americana, Barred Rock, cuckoo maran, rhode island red, and a white leghorn breeds. Aside from chickens our other pets consist of four horses, two cats, one dog, two quail and one male khaki Campbell duckling. I do not think I would as happy of a person if I could not be surrounded by animals especially my chickens :) As for my work I currently am in the in home health care field but that might soon change since I am looking into going back to school within the next year to get a veterinarians degree.
Thanks, I look forward to leaning with you all,

Welcome to BYC!

I completely agree with you, I would never be happy without my chickens!!!! You have a very colorful flock too!

Make yourself at home here on BYC and welcome to our flock!
Welcome Nikki! I feel the same way you do...my animals make me happy and content. Can't imagine a life without them. This site is great for the beginners, as well as the novice. I have learned so much. Glad to have you aboard :)
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Very pretty varied flock you have! X3, couldn't be without the chickens and other animals, they keep me happy! Good luck with your carrier change and in vet school!
The little male duckling will grow up to harass your hens unless you get him a woman of his own kind. Maybe a little girl duckling that loves water sports and waddling in the rain.
Defiantly someday a little lady duck for this fella, but for now we are just trying to raise him to be a healthy happy duck. We have only had him for one week and can tell he is most defiantly all boy :) Thanks for all the welcomes all.

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