

In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 22, 2014
Brooktrails CA
Hi! I'm Stephanie! I'm a city girl turned country and never in a million years would have thought I'd become a chicken enthusiast.
We started our flock of 10 last February. We lost three to a raccoon attack :( we beefed up the yard and replaced with three chicks who are currently living amongst our seven older ladies in a coop and run within our coop and yard.
We have 4 buff Orpingtons, 2 Rhode Island reds, and 4 Plymouth Rock.
My daughters are joining 4H this fall and want to raise and show Silkies. Right now, I'm looking for all the info I can about raising show chickens- What to look for, would it even be possible to have our older ladies brood them etc.. We've got so much to learn but this site looks awesomely helpful!
Stephanie, welcome...

from Washington! BYC is the best fowl website you can find.
I hope you feel glad you signed up! In our flock we have great people and it is always great to have a new member:) In our flock, we have no pecking order! And we won't turn down a good yolk


I am sorry for your losses. I hope you enjoy 4H showing! There is a lot of books on showing chickens, and we have info also.

Maybe post questions on here about showing. You might want to poke around on here also:


Enjoy your day!
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Sorry for your losses! Frindizzle gave you some great links to check out.

Good luck with your flock and feel free to ask any questions!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sorry for your losses, Frindizzle gave you some great links to check out, if you do a search for the main threads of the breeds you are interested in you might be able to find someone with hatching eggs or chicks, your Orpingtons especially are a fairly broody breed so sometime or another you will probably have a broody you might be able to use...there are quite a few articles on broodys and incubating eggs in the Learning Center https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

So sorry about the coon attack and the losses.

Good luck in the show circuit and welcome to our flock!
Put "Silkie thread," in the search box and then head over there. You'll get to see loads of photos and find out who the good breeders are. There are several silkie threads - and even one very detailed thread re: "Bathing and grooming silkies for show." You might even check out the "Showgirls thread. " They are a variety of silkie with naked necks but, otherwise the temperament of a regular silkie.

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