

In the Brooder
May 3, 2015
We just purchased our first baby chicks. Two Rhode Island Reds. They are now 10 days old. We started them on chick starter and they have been eating like crazy and growing like crazy. Last night I noticed several brick red poop droppings in the brood. The chicks seem to be fine and don't show any signs of lethargy or sickness. How can you tell if this is the normal shedding of the intestine or an issue? Also how old do chicks have to be do give ACV?
I'm glad you joined our "flock!"

As long as the red droppings aren't very common, your chicks are probably fine. The strange droppings you saw may have been cecal droppings, which are often runny and reddish brown colored. Just keep an eye on your chicks and watch for further signs of illness.

I've never used ACV, so I can't answer your question about what age you can use it. Hopefully, experienced members come along and help. Or, you could try posting your question in the Feeding section of the forums: Feeding & Watering Your Flock

Good luck with your chicks!

X2 on what @BantamLover21 said, your chicks are probably fine. As for the ACV, it's fine to give it to them at any age. I start putting a little in my chicks water along with some herb tea and garlic on day 1. Its very good for them, just make sure not to use ACV in in a mettle waterer as it will cause corrosion, which may lead to toxins leaking into the water. Enjoy your Chickie's!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

If you continue to see blood in the poop, they no doubt have coccidiosis. Are they on medicated feed? If not and you are still seeing blood, go to your feed store and get Corid or something that as Amprolium in it. This will help to heal them of the cocci. Cocci can kill them, so keep an eye on this and take action if needed.

ACV or probiotics can be started at any time. Make sure to change the water daily if you put things in to it.

Enjoy your new babies and welcome to our flock!

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