Help 19 week chickens won't go into coop

First time chicken owner should I start oyster shells too instead of grit? Or wait til they lay Brahma is way less ready to lay anytime soon maybe I could mix the feed grower and layer? And should it be antibiotic free?
I know I have too many questions so sorry my daughter wondered if we can have a duck with our chickens would that be a bad idea If it's a girl don't want male. Would they b mean to it if its older?
! Hello everyone I have 19 week old chickens they have been going into their Coop every night since I put them out as a little chicks just last week they started roosting at night on top of their coop we have a huge enclosure with the coop inside I keep the coop Immaculate I do not know why they won't go in there at night anymore I have to force them in there any suggestions there are no bugs inside the coop
they don't have mites I just don't know what to do anymore
Should I start feeding them layer feed or wait til they lay? I have half a bag left of grower but still have small Brahma that is developing super slow hard to separate them to feed lol

You'll be OK finishing off that bag of grower before starting the mom layer feed. If it's medicated, though, I wouldn't eat the eggs.
Have you tried a fan? I put a fan on mine at night. I live in Houston and i can tell you that it is hot here. I have four standard breeds that are sleeping in a much smaller coop than yours with no problem. It is a a converted rabbit hutch. I am currently building them a larger hutch. They love their fan.
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! Hello everyone I have 19 week old chickens they have been going into their Coop every night since I put them out as a little chicks just last week they started roosting at night on top of their coop we have a huge enclosure with the coop inside I keep the coop Immaculate I do not know why they won't go in there at night anymore I have to force them in there any suggestions there are no bugs inside the coop
they don't have mites I just don't know what to do anymore

I am having the same problem at 21 weeks. I have completely cleaned the coop, we tried to raise the roosting bards higher. They all fit on there with 2 roosting bars. There are 3 nesting boxes that they used to sleep in until they started laying eggs. I am baffled. No predators in the coop. I read possibly adding a light to draw them in at night?? We are in Michigan so it is cold and gets dark about 6:30pm now. Thank you for all your help.

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