HELP! 19th Day and My Humidity's 82%!!


11 Years
Jul 19, 2008
My 19th Day started today around 4:00 P.M. On one half of the bator (still air LG), I have cheesecloth and on the other half, I had some of that rubber matting you put in cupboards. Anyway, I poured some water in the vent holes (I have both of them open) and it must've spread over the cheesecloth/rubber and the humidity jumped to 88%! So, I actually opened the bator a couple times to try and dry some of it out (just for a few seconds at a time) but it wasn't coming down so I moved the eggs on the one side and got the rubber matting out. The humidity went down to 82 but it's hanging there now. Is this too high? Should I risk getting the cheesecloth out or let it in? I just saw one of the eggs roll and don't want to harm them. What should I do??
If they haven't pipped the outside of the shell yet, you can open the bator to take the cheesecloth out. It shouldn't hurt them. I would think 82% is too high.
I think they'll be ok---at least there's no worry of them sticking to the membrane. Mine was really high when my chick hatched--not sure how high, but it was so humid that water was collecting on the top. Maybe some more experienced hatchers will see this and weigh in. Keep us posted.
The only thing with taking the cheesecloth out is I would have to move all the eggs sitting on it to the other side and then back--will this disturb them?

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