Help! 3 chicks--impacted crop? Or?


9 Years
Apr 22, 2010

I have 3 6 week old chicks and they all have a large lump on the right side of their chest. Is the crop off to the right like that? Or is it in the center? I did give them some scrambled egg today and I also put grit in their feeder. Maybe they did not get the grit before the egg? The lumps seem a little hard. Not sure what to do....try and give them vegetable oil?

Thanks for your help,
Relax. That is just the crop and by tomorrow morning it will look and feel just normal. Welcome to BYC!!!
Yes, I think they will be fine. I posted this exact same question 8 weeks ago. The crop is off to the right. They don't need grit for hard boiled egg. That is why it is such a good first treat. I could never catch mine in the morning before they had eaten so I never actually felt it go all the way down. But if they are acting normally otherwise I'm sure they are fine. Don't give them anything.
Ok, thanks. I just have never seen their crops like that before. These are my only chicks so I'm just nervous about them.

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