Help!!! 4 week old silkie with crooked beak!


8 Years
Mar 24, 2015
Hello all! I hope someone can help! I just noticed today that one of my silkie chicks has a crooked beak. I'm always cleaning watermelon juice off her face and today was the first I saw this. I don't know if she hurt herself or if this is how scissor beak starts. Her mouth opens ok, she's eating and acting normal otherwise. Am I missing something?? I've never seen this! I googled and looked at a bunch of posts on here, but haven't seen any pics that look like hers...I say her but don't know yet. Also her siblings beak looks normal, the last 2 pics are of her. Any advice would be greatly appreciated being I can't talk to the vet till tomorrow.
Thank you,


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It looks like a small case of scissor beak, I wouldn’t worry about it too much if she can eat and drink normally. I have a hen with scissor beak and she gets around fine.
It doesnt look terrible just make sure as she grows to watch it....I had one that I carefully trimmed but if you dont know how dont do it, it can serously damage there beak maybe give her a cylinder bock to help her self.
It doesnt look terrible just make sure as she grows to watch it....I had one that I carefully trimmed but if you dont know how dont do it, it can serously damage there beak maybe give her a cylinder bock to help her self.
Thank you! I don't know how to trim ,this is the first I've seen it. But I'll ask my vet how.

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