Help a duckling in my pool

The Little Mallard that was in the pool is now all feathered out and getting along with all the other ducks. Goes right in the duck enclosure with the rest of them at night and see itself as part of the flock. By the way does anyone have any ideas how to tell which of these WHs are drakes? I got them as straight run and all had dark bills as ducklings. The only one that I purchased as a female is the one in the middle with the yellow bill that is darkening from the top down. The others appear to be two dark bills and two greenish bills.

Wow thanks. That bill is definitely the same color as the two I thought might be drakes. Thanks. I hope I have some girls. I will try to post a few more pictures. The Mallard now looks so small compared to the WHs.
We have 2 mallards too! I'm still getting used to them lol I'm used to seeing my big guys lol Still not sure on the sex of those two...I'm hoping for girls lol
Here's my mallards

I am amazed at the differences in the WHs and the Mallard. The Mallard is such a fast runner and jumps higher when getting in the wading pool.The babies have not yet discovered the big pond it is elevated about 18 inches and then goes to a depth of 4ft. I am sure they will be funny when they get there the first time. All the other ducks will eat out of my hand but not that little Mallard, although he/she gets close and looks like maybe but then no.
My little wild Mallard took a short flight for the first time. She did not want to get out of the koi pond for bed so after getting on the pond wall she flew back into the water. Then she went with the others into the night time enclosure.
Yes, you can raise the little one just like a domestic duck. (No medicated chick feed.) Check your state laws for keeping wildlife, you might need a permit. In the fall your duckling will probably fly away to join the migrating flocks. Have fun with your little one.
looks like the regular trip to the pond will be by air now. First one in and waiting for all those domestic ducks to walk and jump up and in.

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