Help! Abandoned egg hatched in compost heap!


10 Years
May 31, 2009
Advice needed because the vets in Italy will just tell me to put it out of its misery ... one of my bantams has hatched six chicks and they are doing well. After 23 days she had abandoned the other two and they were cold. I left them a whole day to see if she would go back to them but no, so I just presumed they were not going to hatch and put them in the compost. They have been there three days! and this morning when I went out to tidy up, I moved the top layer with a garden fork and heard cheeping! At first I thought one of the six had escaped, then I saw movement and realised that one of the abandoned eggs was hatching!
I gently panicked (I'll know better next time) and as the shell seemed quite broken, I pulled the remaining bits away and have place the little damp chick under a heat lamp.
The little thing also has a broken wing, which I might have done with the fork
I have cleaned the wound with disinfectant and put on some betadine gel but now what?

Should I try to give it water? It has very strong cheeps.

Give it time to see if it lives without food and water even though I helped it out of its egg?

What about the open wound and broken bone?

Any suggestions/instructions appreciated. Thank you, Shona
So far, I think it sounds like you're doing everything right. How broken is the wing? Is there a chance that it can be fixed? If not, I would say to tape it into a position so that it can heal (if not properly) and continue to address the surface wounds. While it's separated from mama, keep it warm & offer chick feed & water. But I would try as soon as possible to see if she will accept it.
Last year one of my young pullets had one of its wings mangled very badly. It was severly broken, no chance of healing. I did the only thing I could think to do. I cut it off at the broken part, treated the open bone with antibiotics, and put her in a brooder by herself so the others wouldn't peck at it and give it a chance to heal. Wasn't sure she would make it, but she is VERY alive and VERY healthy today. Only one wing, but she has adjusted to it very well. With one as young as yours, should be a lot less traumatic. If you can't perform the surgery, maybe someone with the stomach for it can help you. I'm not saying do the same as I did, unless the wing is beyond repair. Just want you to know there are options, and this is one that worked for me. I just hated having to make that decision, but worked out for the best for her. Good luck, I hope things work out for your chick.
Wow! I thought you'd all still be asleep
While I was waiting I have in fact taped up the wing (not easy with one pair of hands) and dressed what appears to be a flesh wound beneath.
I have considerered snipping off the little wing, might be less painful in the long run.
Do I just boil up the scissors and just snip
? will it bleed a lot? Do I just hold some gauze against it and a light bandage till it heals over?
Thanks for quick replies.
PS had a look for the other egg but couldn't find it, lost in the compost forever.
Poor chick died.
Back to the compost. At least there are six healthy babies, would have been brilliant if it had survived. Next time, I'll keep them warm and finish them off under a heat lamp for a few more days.
Thanks for your ideas. Shona
Well you at least tried................ cool story though, who woulda thunk it would hatch in the Poop pile.

Congrats on the 6 that made it, and sorry about the one that didn't.

Maybe we all should remember that some eggs are late hatchers and not give up on them right away.
Also....a compost heap is hot inside and it made me think of turtles that bury the eggs and let them hatch themselves.

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