HELP ? about Marek's vaccine

What I did was put a dividing fence[chicken wire] done the middle of my pen and had the big girls on one side and little chicks on the other. I started when they were about eight weeks old. I kept the fence up for about two weeks and then took it down. There was chaos for a few days, my big girls were tyrants. But the little ones were growing so fast pretty soon they were bigger then the big girls. I also let the big hens have the little coop to them selves. The chicks were in the big coop[24] during the day I just let them mingle. The only problem I had was the big girls liked to go in the big coop and boss all the little ones around so they would leave. I had to break up a few rumbles but now they are all together and there is no problem!!
Great info, thanks again

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