Help...All of my Chickens are dying

Since I don't know all the facts, I think the camera idea is a good one. And since I have 3 disabled children, I would tend to think that the said child may possibly have been given those food items by another and not naturally chosen those. When my dd wants to feed her hens and goes to pick the food on her own, she naturally chooses vegetables and breads. She wouldn't purposely pick poisonous foods and once told it's bad and makes them sick, she wouldn't choose it again. Perhaps hands on educating the special child and having them learn could give her an opportunity that they wouldn't normally have. They live very isolated lives and opportunities are rare.
Sorry for your loss! It would be hard to deal with.
Wanted to add that if you live near the 495 D.C beltway and are looking for more chicks to get in touch with DCChicken. He may be able to help you. Hope that helps.
I am sorry to hear about the loss of your chickens, it is never easy. Hope your rooster is doing fine now. Hopefully the neighbors will listen and understand that chickens can not just eat anything. I have had people tell me that chickens are like garbage disposals and think they can give them anything that is a leftover or starting to go bad. It is often a teaching moment for those that are not familiar with raising chickens.

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