Help! Am I going to be Happy or more heartbreak?


9 Years
Sep 15, 2010
I so hope I did this right and the picture shows up.

I hatched Blondie from eggs that Halo was so kind enough to send to me for Mahorni's NY's hatch.
I was sent only one BLUE egg and this chick hatched from it. I named her from the get go Blondie and prayed that it is a girl so I can keep her. I am not allowed to keep roos where I live.

I have asked Kathy what she thought and there are a few aspects about Blondie that has her stumped so I ask the forum what do you think? GIRL or Heartbreak?



Thank YOU! That is all I want to hear. I kept referring to Blondie as a girl. I was telling my friends Blondie is a GIRL but there are a few things that bother me too. Usually, my males are more friendly but Blondie is a LOVE bug so I was starting to assume roo.

Logical conclusion being that the bird in question is almost 2 months old.

For your sake, I hope I'm wrong and ya'll can poke fun at me. But I am seeing some hackle and saddle feather development, and those thick legs look pretty roo-ish. Especially at about 8 weeks.
I sincerely hope this is one of those times when I an wrong!

On the lighter side, which will have Mahonri chuckling? It is Mahonri, not Mahorni!
Well, I really hope you are WRONG. HA! That is what I get for posting way past my bedtime. Hopefully, he will forgive me for misspelling.

Logical conclusion being that the bird in question is almost 2 months old.

For your sake, I hope I'm wrong and ya'll can poke fun at me. But I am seeing some hackle and saddle feather development, and those thick legs look pretty roo-ish. Especially at about 8 weeks.
I sincerely hope this is one of those times when I an wrong!

On the lighter side, which will have Mahonri chuckling? It is Mahonri, not Mahorni!

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