
5 Years
Oct 5, 2014
Okay, first 5 chicks hatched over night:) our double laced barnies very exciting noticed one of the gold laced whyndotts was zipped at 8 am now @ 8.00pm Still struggling to get out very active rolling chipping problem is one is starting to zip so should i open the bator grab it out and try to help it or leave it, still have 4 eggs with no pipping in tem so wanted to get it out b4 they pipped please help :D
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Hi :welcome
Glad you joined the flock. Yes if it has been zipped for 12 hours I would help it. It may just be that it needs just a little bit of shell removing from the zip line for it to be able to pop the shell open. Just try to do things quickly. When you take it out of the incubator I would hold it in warm paper towel so it dosnt dry out too much. Best of luck to you.
I have been trying to add the assisted hatching link for you but my iPad wint let me if you type it into the search its should come up for you it's an article by Sally sunshine. It's very good
What about the other chick that's pipped just checked and that chick is a little bit zipped? Will I affect that one at all? And what do I do with the humidity I don't have a gage that measures that, just dowt want to loose any as another chick hatched not long ago and still wet.. Thank you soooooo much:)
If your worried about the humidity and the chick that has been zipped for 12 hours is still active leave it a little longer. Or when you take the zipped one out add some warm wet sponges or cloth to the incubator to bump up humidity. The wet chick should also keep the hummidity up too. It a hard decision to make as too what to do I know. What kind of incubator do you have?
It's a Styrofoam one holds 40 something eggs pretty sure the humidity is fine grasping 6 have hatched no worries! Ill just grab a wet sponge and chuck it in or spread in some hot water in a spray bottle can't live it in there with no help:(
Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

I am not one to help chicks out of the shell unless they are at least half out of the shell and if there are others pipping at this time, opening the lid could cause them to shrink wrap to the inside of the eggs when you let the humidity out. So use your own secretion here. You might want to ask this question in our Hatching Eggs forums for more help with assisting with this hatch...

Good luck and I hope the little guy manages to hatch!
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

I also think that hatching is something the chick must do. It is the toughest test they have to pass to prove they can survive in the world.

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