HELP!!! autopsied a presumed dead duck embryo on day 31 and he is alive!!

I'm so sorry, I have no idea why the site didn't notify I was tagged here.

If he's still alive, he should be alright. It's likely he was shrink wrapped (since you mentioned he was sticky and not making progress) and when you opened it you caught him mid struggle. I would try to give him some electrolytes & probiotics if you have them on hand.

Right now I'd just keep him warm in the bator and let him absorb the rest of his yolk. Keep the other ducklings away from him as they might pick at his navel/pull on the shell.
Screenshot 2021-04-03 at 22.11.25.png
He'll likely sleep a good 24-48 hours after such a struggle. Don't worry too much about food/water during this time as the yolk it absorbed immediately prior/during the hatching process is enough to sustain them for a few days. As long as this lil squirt is breathing, I'd give him the chance to survive this difficulty.
A chance at life is so much better than no chance.
A swollen navel is common in 'premature birth', so I do not find that alarming. This little one looks healthy, but plumb tuckered out. Let him rest until you hear him cheeping... then offer water with electrolytes and food. An egg yolk is a nice offering as it's nature's perfect food for baby birds.

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