HELP!!! autopsied a presumed dead duck embryo on day 31 and he is alive!!

I built him his own little enclosure underneath the heating pad with the others. i could't bear the little shrimp being all alone in the incubator anymore!
he still can't walk or lift his head and i can't get him to eat or drink... but i feel like he is a bit calmer in the brooder than he was in the incubator.


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Aww man. i thought he was doing better, i was able to feed him but now he's throwing up slimy liquid.
i put some sugar, poultry vitamins, frozen peas and water in the mixer and fed it to him with an eyedropper, which somewhat worked. now he's throwing up and it's also coming from his nostrils.
he's back in isolation in the incubator.
does anyone know if this is a symptom of something?
They are all so cute! Best of wishes to the little guy! What's his/her name?
we named him Maverick/Maeve
Oh no!!! I don't really know how to help, maybe his crop and the bottom of his beak is filling up??? Avoid feeding him too much liquid, instead try to drop small bits of bread crumb or chick crumb into Maverick's beak.
I wanted to update everyone who so kindly answered my questions and rooted for us: maverick didn't make it. i'm a bit upset that i kept him suffering but i really wanted him to have a chance.
but we do have a healthy and insatiable flock of 5 day old ducklings that are a pleasure to watch! i can't wait for the weather to warm up and bring them out to the orchard!

again thanks to all of you, your responses meant a lot really helped us calm down and to stop googling worst case scenarios ♥️
I wanted to update everyone who so kindly answered my questions and rooted for us: maverick didn't make it. i'm a bit upset that i kept him suffering but i really wanted him to have a chance.
but we do have a healthy and insatiable flock of 5 day old ducklings that are a pleasure to watch! i can't wait for the weather to warm up and bring them out to the orchard!

again thanks to all of you, your responses meant a lot really helped us calm down and to stop googling worst case scenarios ♥️
I'm so sorry for your loss, don't be too upset; you gave him the best life he could have until he passed- at least his last moments were with people who would do anything to help him.
I wanted to update everyone who so kindly answered my questions and rooted for us: maverick didn't make it. i'm a bit upset that i kept him suffering but i really wanted him to have a chance.
but we do have a healthy and insatiable flock of 5 day old ducklings that are a pleasure to watch! i can't wait for the weather to warm up and bring them out to the orchard!

again thanks to all of you, your responses meant a lot really helped us calm down and to stop googling worst case scenarios ♥️
Oh no! I’m so sorry. You did all you could for Maverick, it’s not your fault. I’m praying for peace and comfort. :hugs ❤️
I wanted to update everyone who so kindly answered my questions and rooted for us: maverick didn't make it. i'm a bit upset that i kept him suffering but i really wanted him to have a chance.
but we do have a healthy and insatiable flock of 5 day old ducklings that are a pleasure to watch! i can't wait for the weather to warm up and bring them out to the orchard!

again thanks to all of you, your responses meant a lot really helped us calm down and to stop googling worst case scenarios ♥️
I'm so sorry. We were all rooting for the little guy. I thought for sure he would pull through! Just know you did everything you could for him, and he was absolutely loved. He spent his final days and moments with someone who cared about him and that's all that matters. ❤️

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