HELP Baby Chick With Un absorbed Yolk and vent prolapse


6 Years
Apr 28, 2013
what can i do to help my 2 day old chick who was born unassisted out of her egg looking normal after being placed with the other chicks in the brooder, a huge blood filled yolk sack and umbillicus came out of her vent pulling out her innards. i cut away the yolk sack and cleansed the prolapsed vent with peroxide and applied hemmoroidal ointment and used a q-tip to gently push the contents back inside. the vent will not stay inside the chick is there a better more effective method to care for this chick i am hand feeding her as she is listless, and feeding her water through a straw. she is separate from the other chicks, please advise.
what can i do to help my 2 day old chick who was born unassisted out of her egg looking normal after being placed with the other chicks in the brooder, a huge blood filled yolk sack and umbillicus came out of her vent pulling out her innards. i cut away the yolk sack and cleansed the prolapsed vent with peroxide and applied hemmoroidal ointment and used a q-tip to gently push the contents back inside. the vent will not stay inside the chick is there a better more effective method to care for this chick i am hand feeding her as she is listless, and feeding her water through a straw. she is separate from the other chicks, please advise.
Unfortunately, these things happen. Your best avenue is to cull the chick. I know it is hard, but this chick is never going to be right. Best to put it down quickly. You will be doing the right thing for the bird.
Warm Regards,
Karen inw estern PA, USA
So sorry, but 3riverschick may be right.
Thank you for your response, I appreciate the input. The vent in the last hour has stayed put and after sugar water and mash the chick opened its eyes and perked up chirping and standing. This gives me a small glimmer of hope. I think I will continue to hand feed and pray and see what happens.
Thank you for your response, I appreciate the input. The vent in the last hour has stayed put and after sugar water and mash the chick opened its eyes and perked up chirping and standing. This gives me a small glimmer of hope. I think I will continue to hand feed and pray and see what happens.
Hi FancifulFlock,
You didn't mention if this is a rare breed or not. That said, if you are hanging in there with this chick, there is something you can do. Run on over to your local Tractor Supply a or feed store and buy the small bottle of Poultry Nutri-Drench. This is a fantastic product to have on hand if you have needy creatures. Made by a company which specializes in emergency nutritional supplements for needy creatures of various species. Here is why you need it. This chicks' G.I. tract is compromised and not functioning properly. It is not up-taking the nutrients it needs to survive because you cannot feed it the nutrients it needs to survive because of its physical challenges.
OK, PND does not need to be digested. It is absorbed directly into the bloodstream thru the mouth, tongue, throat and also the stomach. It consists of vitamins, minerals and enzymes the creatures needs to live. I keep it on hand all the time. Give one drop only by mouth per chick. For needy chicks, give 4cc per gallon in their waterer. For maintenance, give 2cc per gallon in their waterer. It is every concentrated so the 7.-10.oo bottle will be all you need. My chicks get the 4cc solution in their water the 1st 2 weeks of life. Then the 2cc solution for the next 4 weeks.
This solution will circumvent the digestion challenges you chick has right now. I do not know if your chick will survive its physical challenges. But this will help until time tells the tale.
Best Regards,
The feed store had the PND. Do I give 1 drop /day or only 1 drop and then begin putting it into the water? Thank you so much.:)

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