Help! Blind duck


Sep 19, 2020
I have two ducks, one male and one female. For some reason, the male duck is very gentle and not aggressive at all, but the female duck is very aggressive, which is the opposite of what I have researched because websites always say that the males are more aggressive. My female always pecks at the male and doesn't let him drink or eat before she does. Two nights ago, I noticed that the male's eye was swollen shut, and when he opened it a bit, there was clear stuff coming out and his eye was gray instead of brown. They were in their coops by themselves so I was pretty sure it must've been the female duck who pecked at his eye. I tried cleaning it out with a wet paper towel and putting antibiotic cream around his eye, but it still seems like he is blind in one eye, and it looks the same. What should i do?
:welcome sorry for the circumstances. I'd keep applying antibiotic ophthalmic ointment to the eye and separate him from the hen with a see through fencing.
I wanted to separate them, but whenever I take them apart, they panic and start quacking really loud, is that okay?
Could you post a few pictures of the eye? Separating them so they can at least see and hear each other might work best.
Thanks for the help, but I actually took my duck to the vet last week(got some funny looks from others haha). The duck was prescribed eye drops as well as antibiotics, and now he's much much better. We think that he'll be able to regain his eyesight!

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