Help- broody chicken and no eggs made it


5 Years
Feb 24, 2014
Coastal NC
My silkie has been sitting on some adoptive eggs for 17 days now. My expletive deleted dogs have been sneaking in the coop whenever the mama is out stretching her legs and eating her eggs, so she was down to 2 as of today. Until just now, when I spaced and left to coop door open when I was working out there, I came in for a few minutes and my husband caught my dog in the coop, he ate one and dropped the second on the way out
I put the one he dropped back in, is there any way it survived? If it didn't, will my broody just sit forever? Should I get her a new clutch to sit on? UHHHH I'm so mad at myself.
The egg may or may not hatch. If it were me, I would break the hen's broodiness if the egg does not hatch. Setting can be debilitating to a broody hen, and I would be reluctant to put her through another 21 days.
I don't have a way to break her, I don't have a small pen or a too :/ She goes on breaks throughout the day to eat and drink, and she hasn't lost any feathers or look any worse for sitting for 20 days so far. I am reluctant to make her sit again too, the only reason we put eggs out there was because she asked for them, its not like we need more chicks. But I haven't found a way to break her that I can do.
I don't have a way to break her, I don't have a small pen or a too :/ She goes on breaks throughout the day to eat and drink, and she hasn't lost any feathers or look any worse for sitting for 20 days so far. I am reluctant to make her sit again too, the only reason we put eggs out there was because she asked for them, its not like we need more chicks. But I haven't found a way to break her that I can do.

I've had 100% success with something similar to the broody breaker through the below link. It requires minimal construction and material. I usually set mine up in our dairy office, but you can easily use a garage or basement.
I have had hens sit for 3 cycles before without causing themselves harm. The one I'm speaking of kept squishing her eggs.
Did you do anything special? She really isn't worse for the wear so far, she eats and drinks plenty. I cannot separate her from the group right now or make any sort of hutch for her right now.
My father had a black japanese bantam that sat for 21 days and hatched out a bunch of rose comb RIRs. He threw the chicks in with another hens little ones and put a bunch of turkey eggs under her for another 28 days. I think she didn't like us taking her eggs because she would hide them in the woods and disapear for a few weeks and then show up with a bunch of chicks. I don't know what she ate or drank cause she didn't come back until the chicks hatch. That was one tough bird, I don't know if silkies can handle that. You might want to let her rest up.
The one my dog dropped, it didn't crack or anything. It seems hopeful that it will still hatch. What if I go buy a couple brand new chicks?And just sneak them under her? Is that an option?

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