HELP! Broody has stolen an extra 9 eggs 😩

These do not look like they have been developing.
If they've been there for more than a week they for sure are not fertile.
If they have been there less than a week then they probably are not but it is possible they could be.
Hard to tell. You should be able to see some veining by now. This is a 5 day egg for comparison:
@Kiki @LadiesAndJane
Can you tell if that egg has a developing embryo or not?
(No idea what day of incubation, because the hen was adding eggs for a while before OP realized and marked them.)

@Nicky S
I can see something in it-- I'm just not sure if it's a chick or a yolk. Do you see any skinny veins reaching out from the dark spot into the rest of the egg?

I'm not very good at candling, but I've found it helpful to compare several different eggs (including at least one that has never been incubated-- I just swipe one from the fridge for that.) After you see one with obvious veins, it's easier to recognize them in other eggs. And candling one that you know was never incubated gives a good example of an egg with no development.
Have you drawn the number eight on the eggs pictured above?
Yes - I got excited about maybe seeing veins in the photo then realized it was the 8 😂
Hard to tell. You should be able to see some veining by now. This is a 5 day egg for comparison:View attachment 3011749
Oh dear - we can’t seem to see veins in any of them so far, but will try candling others in the basement for comparison tomorrow. I’m actually beginning to wonder if our guy is fertile, though we thought some of our non-incubated eggs had the bullseye when we opened them. Thanks for your help!
I’m actually beginning to wonder if our guy is fertile, though we thought some of our non-incubated eggs had the bullseye when we opened them.
For any eggs that look infertile, you could break them open and check.

(I had a whole clutch of infertile ones once, and opening each egg was reassuring: yes, I really was correct, these were NOT developing.)
These do not look like they have been developing.
If they've been there for more than a week they for sure are not fertile.
If they have been there less than a week then they probably are not but it is possible they could be.
Ok, thank you - we’ll give it a little longer as we don’t know how long they’ve been there. If they haven’t been developing does that mean they weren't fertilized in the first place?
For any eggs that look infertile, you could break them open and check.

(I had a whole clutch of infertile ones once, and opening each egg was reassuring: yes, I really was correct, these were NOT developing.)
I don’t think I’m brave enough for that 😂. These are all from four different hens so I’m wondering what could be happening. I feel terrible for my broody, she’s been there 27 days now,
Ok, thank you - we’ll give it a little longer as we don’t know how long they’ve been there. If they haven’t been developing does that mean they weren't fertilized in the first place?
It could mean they weren't fertilized to begin with but it could also mean the Brody is not actually broody and not staying on the eggs like she should be.
I don’t think I’m brave enough for that 😂. These are all from four different hens so I’m wondering what could be happening. I feel terrible for my broody, she’s been there 27 days now,
I highly recommend you collecting all of the eggs and taking them away from her and breaking her from being broody at this time.
Sitting for 27 days and then continuing to sit for another 3 weeks is not good.

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