Help! Broody left the nest!


8 Years
Mar 13, 2011
I had my first broody hen this year, and so I decided to give her some guinea eggs (the last thing I need right now is more chicks). Well, 3 of the 5 hatched out Friday. Today she took the hatched group and went for a walk, showed them food and water, then brought them back in. She did not get back on her nest however. So I figured the last 2 eggs were quitters. When I took them from the nest, they were cold, so I decided to crack them open to see where they quit at. Well, the first one gasped when I got it open.
I feel horrible! It didn't last long, but looked like it was ready to hatch. So I've rushed the 2nd egg inside, and while I was looking around for something to keep it warm, I heard peeping! And it was wiggling in my hand. I've wrapped it in a towel, warmed in the dryer, but I'm at a loss for what else I should be doing. I've never hatched eggs before!

What do I do now?
Do you have a cooler? I am in the same boat my broody left her nest and 4 eggs
I put a heating pad in the cooler with the eggs. It shouldn't be long before it hatches
Wendy'sChicksRock :

I would put momma and the hatched out chicks along with the egg in a box smallenough to keep momma on the egg..

You're brilliant. Thank you!!! Here's hoping it hatches
another option with a cooler would be to put a towel in the bottom and put a light above the egg and move the light to a position that keeps the egg at about 100 degrees (lay an outdoor thermometer by the egg). You would also want to dampen the towel a bit for humidity. Putting it back under the hen and forcing her to stay on it might work overnight at least. Then get a heating pad and a thermometer to keep by the egg if you have to resort to the cooler, light and towel under the heating pad.

Good luck!!
I have a new chick!!!!

And a new question. I put the hen, the nest (I use kitty litter pans for portability) the keets and the egg in a cardboard box overnight, forcing her to sit in the nest on the egg. This morning, when I found that it had hatched, I took everything out of the box so that the hen and keets could move around. Since the first 3 keets are now 4 days old, they are VERY active, but the new one is not. (BTW, I had no idea that guinea keets are like chicks on crack!) What is the best way to keep everyone happy, without restricting the keets access to food, water, and the ability to move around, and without having the new keet be left behind?

PS - what would cause such a large disparity between hatch days? I know that all the eggs were set at the same time. Based on my calculations, they should have all hatched yesterday.

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