Help! Broody not sitti g on last egg


Mar 31, 2021
Help, broody hen hatched five chicks but the last one (has piped) she's not consistently sitting on. She gets up and teaches the new babies to forage even though the food is right next to her and the eggs. I can hear the chick and it has piped but I'm worried about it. It's hot and sunny 85 degrees. Should I do something?


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Help, broody hen hatched five chicks but the last one (has piped) she's not consistently sitting on. She gets up and teaches the new babies to forage even though the food is right next to her and the eggs. I can hear the chick and it has piped but I'm worried about it. It's hot and sunny 85 degrees. Should I do something?
If it's pipped and hot out I would just let it hatch on its own. If she is sitting on the egg when it's 85 and sunny that egg would be practically cooking.

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