HELP - CA Chicken Turning Head - What kind of vitamins and Electrolytes?

Thank you!! I appreciate your time, counsel and care. Hershey is getting more of an appetite.She responds to us and is resting quietly. We hold a couple hours throughout the day - supporting her head. We started with prendisone yesterday; the vit B; vit E with selenium; save a chick electrolytes; scrambled eggs; some yogurt with mash or cooked egg yolks...mixed witb prayer and love. Keep any thoughts you have coming. Thank YOU!
You might want to start weighing her to monitor her for weight loss. If she starts to lose weight you'll need to think about more aggressive supportive care.

Thank you!! We are weighing her - and so good. Today she ate a lot more, too. I look forward to weighing her tomorrow. What type of more aggressive supportive care are you suggesting if she is losing weight? Thank you for your time and care! - We appreciate it!!
Thank you!! We are weighing her - and so good. Today she ate a lot more, too. I look forward to weighing her tomorrow. What type of more aggressive supportive care are you suggesting if she is losing weight? Thank you for your time and care! - We appreciate it!!
Tube feeding. I had two with wry neck like problems, neither could eat/drink, so I had to tube them for several weeks, but they both recovered.

Hi I've had four cases of wry neck and completely cured three. It takes about a good month for complete recovery. Hope she's doing well. Be I said it's usually a good month for recovery.the vitamin treatment usually does work well. Can you update on how she's doing?
Thank YOU all again - it has been a week last night we found her in the crooked neck position. She is responding to the treatment as outlined above. She can stand up and hold her head up for a few goes around...but she is still standing and trying again.
We are just finishing today our 1st week of prendisone, electrolytes, Vit E with selenium and vitamin B. The first Three (3) Days we had to administer food (several scrambled eggs made with a little (3/4 Tblspoon) of milk, a little canned corn, yogurt mixed with mash) throughout the day in small doses by placing it in her beak. Treated with Save-A-Chick electrolytes - water was given to her for the first Three (3) Days slowly with a dropper (slowly and cautiously that she would NOT aspirate by placing it by her tongue for her to swallow. We followed the directions provided above. The E vitamin with selenium was mixed with a little corn juice from canned corn and administered through a small dropper type syringe. The prendisone was mixed with electrolyte treated water, mixed in a small amount and administered by her tongue. BY Day Four (4) we were able to help place her beak in a bowl of electrolyte treated water and she would take small sips of water. My daughter would hold her in her arms supporting Hershey's (our Barred Rock hen) neck in upright position AND I would cup the scrambled egg mixture and Hershey would begin pecking and sweeping her beak to chow down!! She has been eating about 3-4 eggs a day since. ON Day Six 6) she began to stand and attempt to hold her head up. It stayed up half way but was a BIG improvement that gave us GLIMMERS OF HOPE. She could not walk with out tumbling a bit and her head would go back down...but TODAY Day Seven (7) she is showing more improvement...more GLIMMERS of HOPE... It has been busy working and maintaining all the normal responsibilities -- and adding to that hand feeding her and providing support care. BUT SOOOOO WORTH IT! And manageable - I let go of not so important activities to manage her care successfully. I am recording this for those who may be working through a similar situation in the future. We are NOT out of the woods yet...but we have come a ways...inspired by YOU, the GLIMMERS - and our love for our hens and ducks.
If anyone has any input in the healing process and can provide insights into the how they begin to lift their heads, it would be great to read about your observations in the administering care process - and recovery....the journey continues ...week two ...
Thanks for insight - she is chowing with my daughter holding her in her arms and I cup the food in front of her ...last night she chowed four scrambled eggs (yesterday morning 3 eggs with some mash mixed). Yay!!! - I posted an update a few minutes ago...but wanted to share a note with you. Thanks, again for your time and posts!!
THANK YOU for the insight!!!! I apologize for the delay in the update...but I know you will be happy to hear I have been busy taking care of her doing the work...(and my jobs as a company owner, mom, daughter...and keeping up with priorities of home, pets (ducks, hens, birds, dogs, cat, bunnies)...and just had time to respond with an updated in this thread. Thanks for caring!!!!!!! I could not have done this without YOU ALL!!! Cheers!
We will stay connected (I also have a silkie...she is my oldest hen, four years old. She is 1 lb of fire and love
- stay in touch!!
Thank YOU!!! How is your turkey now???? We LOVE turkeys. And that is a whole lot of neck to care for - hope this note finds you both very well and enjoying this day!!

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