HELP!!! Can sour and/or impacted crop be fatal?

Thank you. I wish I knew what I did wrong. When I get some time today, I'll research more.. I've had my chickens for close to 10 years, and they've never had crop problems. But, you live and learn.
It is quite easy to cause aspiration and subsequent drowning in hens with a crop massage. I'm paranoid about it and will not hold a hen upside down to try and manually empty her crop for this very reason. (For impacted crop you don't need to in any case, and I'm willing to bet that a sour crop can also be solved without actually having to resort to the upside down method too.)

You have to be so careful that you allow them enough time to breathe during the massage, and also that they don't get any of the crop contents going back down the wrong 'hole'. Either of these errors can be fatal. So it is the stuff of nightmares, for sure.

I even know of experienced 'authority' figures in the poultry world who have decided, through bitter and traumatic experience, not to ever forcibly empty birds' crops again - which shows that even seasoned experts can, and have, unintentionally killed birds after many years of emptying crops without mishaps. It is very easily done and most people don't realise how dangerous it can be.

But, as JennsPeeps says, she may have died anyway - it isn't necessarily anything you did wrong, so please try not to beat yourself up over it.

I'm so sorry - it must have been awful for you to go through x
Thank you so much, Caralouise. I did not intend to kill her, but if this ever happens again, I'll know some other things to try. Since Rooster was by himself, we got a new hen today (one destined for a bitter end I'm sure, from the farmers' market). I named her Hillary because she's a tough girl and doesn't take any grief from Rooster. She fit right in, isn't intimidated by all my dogs, and should live a long life - if I don't give her any fatal crop massages, that is. Thank you so much for your advise.
Please don't think that anyone would imagine you intended to kill her - as I said, it is so very easily done that even 'experts' can have a mishap, even after years of successful crop massage. It may well not have been anything you did in any case - so please please please don't feel bad about it. She may have been on the verge of passing away when you started the massage and the timing was just co-incidental.

You cared enough to try and do anything you could for her, and that makes you a wonderful chicken mama.
oh Dorie, so sorry to hear of your chick. I am new here and going through a bout of sour/impacted crop with one of my older hens...I'm afraid she is going to die. This is day 4 after I noticed her being sick and I have done all I know to do with help from her....I have in total over 100 layers..different ages...9 are older, 2 bantam Ameraucanas that are 1, and the rest area all just beginning to lay their first egg. I know I may have this problem again in the future...They are all in pens and do not free roam. I know I caused her to be sick because I gave them a big shovel full of scratch that had fault...guess I should be glad it's only one so far.....will NOT do that again. Hang in there, as I of luck...frankie

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